9/11 Commission Hearing 10

WASHINGTON DC — Attorney General John Ashcroft, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet, and FBI Director Robert Mueller III testified before the Commission, as well as former Attorney General Janet Reno, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, and former Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard.

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Filed Under: 911 Commission, Events

Tenth public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States held its tenth public hearing April 13-14, 2004, in Washington, DC. The two-day hearing examined the performance of law enforcement and the Intelligence Community prior to September 11 and evaluated post-9/11 reforms in these areas.

The Commission heard from current and former top-level officials from our nation’s law enforcement and intelligence communities. Attorney General John Ashcroft, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet, and FBI Director Robert Mueller III testified before the Commission, as well as former Attorney General Janet Reno, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, and former Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard. More information is available here.

David Coleman / Photographer

David Coleman

I'm a freelance travel photographer based in Washington DC. Seven continents, up mountains, underwater, and a bunch of places in between. My images have appeared in numerous publications, and you can check out some of my gear reviews and tips here. More »